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The science of reading: research and resources

Explore the latest evidence, insights from thought leaders, and our new guide to real-world implementation.

A middle school girl looks on as a boy reads in a library

What is the science of reading?

The science of reading is a dynamic body of convergent evidence that informs effective instruction in all areas of literacy development.

Unlock the power of literacy with evidence-aligned instruction

Contrary to popular belief, learning to read isn’t a natural process. The science of reading builds on thousands of studies which confirm an explicit, systematic approach to literacy instruction is critical for student success. Today, schools from New York to Texas are putting this science into practice.

Cover of 'Science of Reading 2.0', easy implementation guide

Introducing the Science of Reading 2.0

The next generation of the science of reading connects research about reading and learning to help educators implement effective literacy instruction. Unlock the power of literacy for your students with this easy-to-use guide.

The science of reading, explained

Learn about the two proven aspects of reading success—word recognition and language comprehension—and the science of implementation.

Principles of effective literacy instruction

Discover the 10 trusted steps for bringing effective instruction to your students, combining methods from the “I do, we do, you do model” with Rosenshine’s principles of instruction.

Stories from the field

Get inspiration from other educators, with real-world case studies about the impact of the science of reading in classrooms around the country.

Download the eBook

Explore the evidence

Designed with guidance from the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), our efficacy studies meet the highest standards.

Two elementary school girls work together to sound out words in their book at school.

A quick view of our evidence

Learn more about our research validations and third-party, independent research in schools across the United States.

Download the research overview
Teacher standing over students while they are engaged in an activity.

A summary of our research

Explore the evidence behind our trusted, proven literacy solutions, all part of the One95 Literacy Ecosystem™.

Download the research summary
Laura Stewart

Delivering on the promise of education starts with the mastery of the most fundamental skill—the ability to read. Literacy is the foundation of every student’s learning journey and future success. Of equal importance, reading can bring immense joy to life.

Laura Stewart

Chief Academic Officer
young teacher eagerly helps her elementary students with a reading activity

Putting reading research into practice

Today, we know a great deal about what works in reading instruction thanks to the science of reading. But our work as educators doesn’t end there—effective implementation is essential. Implementation science bridges the gap between research and real-world practice, providing insight on how to realize literacy success.

Evidence-aligned resources

Enhance outcomes with the right instructional materials, at the right time, backed by high-quality research.

Instructional practices

Follow best practices for literacy instruction to help students stay engaged, develop new skills, and become independent readers.

Strategic coaching

Provide feedback and support to help educators build knowledge, confidence, and instructional ability.

Explore evidence-aligned literacy products
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Student writing in classroom with teacher in background

Frequently asked questions

Here are the two top questions educators ask as they begin their science of reading journey. Explore our FAQ page or get in touch for more information. We are here to help you.

How does the science of reading help students learn to read?

The science of reading is the current body of evidence on how children learn to read. A structured literacy approach, based in the science of reading, is the best approach for nearly all children. The evidence we have is consistent and overwhelming: we know that explicit and systematic phonics instruction typically leads to better outcomes in learning to read.

What does the science of reading replace in education today?

It replaces reading practices and theories—such as three cueing, balanced literacy, and whole-language instruction—that have been proven false. For example, there was a pervasive concept that children should use pictures or context to guess at an unknown word. That is not an effective and efficient route to word recognition; utilizing decoding, however, is an efficient and effective route to word recognition. Another pervasive and persistent idea is that there are hundreds of ways to learn to read, and no set of instructional principles that will be the most effective for most children. These are just not true, and the science of reading has helped to shine a light on that.

Explore more answers to your questions.

Science of reading resources for today

Learn more with real-world success stories, expert insights, practical tips for implementation, and more.

Professional learning

Experts Corner: Q&A on the latest in science of reading professional learning

We can’t change student practice until we change teacher practice.

Tressa Wright

Tressa Wright, M.Ed. Product Manager of Professional Learning | 95 Percent Group

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African American teacher helping her elementary school students
Success Story Resources

Spotlight Tennessee: Explicit phonics instruction is raising the bar


of students ended the school year above the 40% mark in reading fluency on the aimsweb assessment

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Science of reading archives

Get to know the only science of reading course you need

We needed something that was relatively cost-effective, that was asynchronous, that would allow our teachers to do it in bite-sized pieces. We also like the videos and the research coupled with some takeaway tools that you could try out—so it checked all the boxes for us in terms of full scale implementation…I haven’t seen a professional development tool that can change teacher knowledge in such a profound way that’s asynchronous and affordable.

Casey Bertram | Superintendent of Bozeman Public Schools

Casey Bertram Superintendent of Bozeman Public Schools, Montana

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95 Percent Group icon that looks like a multicolored infinity symbol.

One solution for literacy instruction

Based on the science of reading and backed by nearly two decades of research, the One95 Literacy Ecosystem™ is proven to advance reading skills in students from diverse backgrounds, grades, and abilities.

It integrates evidence-aligned products and professional learning resources into one cohesive system for instruction across tiers—so you’re ready and able to help every child realize their reading potential.

Discover the One95 Literacy Ecosystem™
One solution for literacy instruction


or more of students can learn to read with high-quality, evidence-based instruction.

View of a small group using colorful manipulatives for reading instruction.

Build your expertise

Improve your instructional practices, get support through ongoing coaching, or attend an upcoming workshop or webinar with experts in the Science of Reading.

Explore professional learning opportunities


of elementary teachers have never been trained in strategies for teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension (EAB Report on Literacy).

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