Tier 2: Intervention
95 Comprehension, Grades 3–6
Set students up for reading success in grades 3-6 with the direct, explicit, and systematic instruction they need on comprehension processes, within targeted intervention groups.

Move students beyond concrete comprehension
A Tier 2 intervention tool designed for use in small groups and beyond, with students who are capable readers, but need support in making meaning from texts for true comprehension.

Comprehension is the reason for reading
Support your students in becoming skilled readers who are able to understand and enjoy stories.
Deploy our trusted, proven “think-aloud” instructional approach.
Help students learn through clear and engaging steps based upon the seven, sequential comprehension processes.
Provide explicit modeling. The “I Do, We Do, You Do” instructional strategy is used throughout the lessons.

Effective, efficient for student progress
95 Comprehension, Grades 3–6, is an evidence-based program with clear, direct instruction to help students move beyond concrete comprehension.
Designed to maximize instruction efficiency
Includes extensive use of teacher “think-alouds” to show students what happens in the mind of a skilled reader during focused reading
Builds on the work of literacy experts to teach students to apply and monitor their own use of the comprehension processes
Before we began using 95 Percent Group’s Comprehension, Grades 3–6, many of our students had difficulty moving beyond the concrete level of comprehension. Now, they are not only actively placing colored tokens on the words that help them connect, question, predict, and form images, but they are independently employing these processes in reading-related activities throughout the day!
Penny Moldofsky, M.S.
Bring 95 Comprehension, Grades 3–6 to your classroom
Comprehension is the reason for reading. Get to know why more teachers trust 95 Comprehension, Grades 3-6. Get in touch today.

Expand your structured literacy toolkit
95 Percent Group offers explicit and systematic instruction to support readers at every stage, tier, and intersection of developing literacy.