Structured literacy
Explore insights from thought leaders and resources to help you bridge knowledge and practice as you bring structured literacy to your school or district.

Reading comprehension basics: Types and strategies
A post from our Literacy Learning: Science of reading blog series written by teachers, for teachers, this series provides educators with the knowledge and best practices needed to sharpen their skills and bring effective science of reading-informed strategies to the classroom.
Comprehension is the outcome of reading. It’s the goal of reading. It’s what we’re trying to attain in the classroom as we’re teaching and guiding our students.
Diana Betts, EdD Early literacy expert and regional consultant manager, 95 Percent Group
The stages of literacy development: A complete guide
Linnea Ehri’s work is very particular about the use of the term phases: they are sequential and build upon each other, sometimes overlapping and recursive, but representing the overall progression of development. Stages implies something we pass through on our way to something else, never to return.

Laura Stewart Chief Academic Officer
Strengthen your core literacy instruction
Are you looking for a new language arts curriculum and wondering about phonics instruction? Are too of your many students in need of intervention? Follow the science of reading and discover why an evidence-based phonics supplement is critical to your literacy toolkit (and student progress).
Without a doubt, the greatest impact on student learning has been the 95 Phonics Core Program and the teacher content knowledge gained from the professional learning that supported the implementation and beyond.
Gina Looney District reading and RTI coordinator, Franklin Special School District, Tennessee
Spotlight Illinois: Building a foundation for reading success
95 Percent Group is committed to meeting Springfield’s specific needs. I think it’s so important for people to understand how well they individualize their support to the particular needs of your school or district. I haven’t really experienced that kind of support over 27 years in education.
Meri Havenar Inclusive Practices and Curriculum Specialist Student Support Services Department, Springfield Public School District
Phonics instruction is far from dull and dreary. Children love to learn about words and their hidden properties and patterns.
Laura Stewart
The latest in structured literacy
Put science into practice
Our experienced 95 Percent Group network of consultants offer courses on a wide variety of literacy topics and provide comprehensive product training to improve learning outcomes.
of early elementary teachers still encourage students to use pictures or context clues to identify unfamiliar words.
One of the most effective tools that we’re using in Fulton County Schools is 95 Phonics Core Reading Program. That has been a game changer for our students and for our teachers. Honestly, if I tried to remove that program from our teachers’ hands these days, they would fight me. And when I go into classrooms, I see students learning at levels that they haven’t learned in previous years. It’s truly been transformational.
Mike Looney, PhD
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